
Graduate of Unicauca develops project on Educational Robotics

La Universidad -

Sandra Patricia Cano, a graduate of the Doctorate program in Electronic Sciences at the University of Cauca, has developed an interesting project called PhonaTIC, which is a tool created for educational and health purposes.


The idea arises from the development of the doctoral thesis, in which I began to work with children with special needs, more focused on children with hearing disabilities. Sandra Patricia Cano, a graduate of the Doctoral Program in Electronic Sciences from the University of Cauca and who currently works as a professor at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (Chile), talks.


From there she began to design a character in the form of a robot called PhonaTIC, designed for inclusion in technologies for educational and health purposes. “This character seeks to support the child with or without special needs through the development of interactive systems, such as: serious games, tangible interfaces, natural interfaces or multimodal interfaces. PhonaTIC is not only a digital character, it seeks to integrate with physical and intelligent environments, while using unconventional interaction”, adds Dr. Sandra Patricia Cano.


This type of interaction is marking great importance, as it has two aspects that draw the attention of users, the physical interaction reflected in digital technology, and the STEM methodology, which is based on learning through educational robotics, integrating various scientific disciplines, such as: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, which allows developing new competences and skills in children.


The term educational robotics refers to the resource that helps facilitate learning and develop skills, such as: socialization, creativity and initiative. Therefore, an educational robotics channel has been created with the aim of showing that different robotics prototypes can be built from electronic components and concepts involving physics, mathematics, engineering and technology.


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PhD in Electronic Sciences
