
With compelling reasons, we proudly celebrate World University Radio Day!

La Universidad -

In the framework of the celebration of World University Radio Day, our station Unicauca Estéreo, with frequencies at 104.1 FM in Popayán and 93.6 FM in Santander de Quilichao, joins in commemorating this important date that highlights the significance of radio in the academic sphere.

Today is a special day; today is the day of university radio! As on every October 6th, a date that recognizes its fundamental role as a communication platform, cultural diffusion, and tool for education and information, Unicauca Estéreo joins in this worldwide celebration. How could we not, considering that university radio plays a vital role in promoting culture, diversity, and the debate of ideas in the academic environment because, unlike other radios (such as commercial ones), it offers the possibility of producing and providing more impartial and completely reliable information with the guidance of high-level academic experts.

The World University Radio Day originated in 2012, an initiative by Tiziana Cavallo (, Italy), Guillermo Gaviria (RRULAC/RRUC/Javeriana Estéreo, Javeriana University, Colombia), and Rob Quicke (General Manager, WPSC FM, William Paterson University, U.S.A.), who thought about promoting the visibility of university radio, especially highlighting the creativity and uniqueness of its programming, along with the freedom and multiculturalism of its spaces.

Thus, within the scope of this important date, from Unicauca Estéreo, we want to share details, perhaps unknown to many, about one of our most significant spaces: La Fonoteca. Have you heard of it? Here, we catalog, store, and maintain in good condition all the recordings, content, and music we broadcast through Unicauca Estéreo; it represents the living memory of our history. In this space, managed by Ana Milena López Velasco, who has been responsible for this wonderful work for over a decade, strategic work is carried out because being a public interest station, the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of Colombia (Mintic) requires us to keep a record of all the audio we produce 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Impressive, isn't it? Additionally, this valuable archive is available to researchers, musicians, students, and the general public interested in specific aspects.

Hence, we possess a sound heritage of great relevance; a heritage composed of vinyl records, cassettes, CDs, digital files, and other audio formats that represent the cultural and musical heritage of our society. It is important to note that Ana Milena, besides managing the Fonoteca, also handles the master control and editing of various programs. "The most gratifying aspect of this work has been all the learning I've acquired. I've learned a lot about music because when I edit the programs, I immerse myself in a little bit of everything—agriculture, tourism, programs created by children because one program is done by a teacher who is a graduate of ours, he works at the Normal school and does his program with his students, and they have many interesting activities. All of this has been beneficial to me; I even know about laws thanks to the Legal Clinic program," Ana Milena says with laughter.

This demonstrates that Unicauca Estéreo represents the 'Sound Universe of Cultures' because for over three decades, it has continued to inform not only our university community but also the citizens of the region. It has fervently faced the arrival of new technologies and adapted to the new listening dynamics of its audience. As mentioned by María Alejandra Medina, the station coordinator, "We provide well-thought-out content because here we have the entire academia, who are very well-trained and unique in their expertise. This way, we have a very diverse and critical audience, which is a great reference, but at the same time, it's a significant challenge because it demands us to be very rigorous to expand that audience further." Hence, everyone at Unicauca Estéreo carries out their work with great responsibility and rigor, which was evidenced in the latest 2023 Opinion Panel survey by Cifras & Conceptos, where opinion leaders recognized that for information in the Cauca department, they listen to Unicauca Estéreo. This signifies a tremendous motivation for the entire team.

Giezzi Lasso, a professor in the Social Communication Program at our Alma Mater, a member of the station's Programming Committee, and who also served as Coordinator of Unicauca Estéreo some years ago, stated that "University Radios are among the few spaces in media where we have the guarantee to produce and disseminate reliable information. Furthermore, it is the space where we can create content that does not pass through commercial and traditional media. The challenge lies in effectively addressing and reaching topics such as education, science, coexistence, and peace." He added that celebrating a special day for university radios is of utmost importance because although February 13th celebrates Radio Day in general, it is fundamental to highlight the present difference between radio and university radio because the latter "Have the privilege to say we are different media, we have different purposes, we speak different languages, we have different interests. Therefore, I believe it is important to give that space to university radios."

In accordance with the above, from this center of thought, we proudly join in this worldwide celebration and recognize the valuable space we have as a higher education institution: having a station positioned among opinion leaders is no small achievement. Without the radio enthusiasts, who passionately donate their time to enrich our programming, to exalt different genres and cultures from diversity, the collectives that are already part of this sound family, we wouldn't be what we are. Therefore, we express special gratitude to each and every person who, through their love for radio, has made this achievement possible.

Finally, we take this opportunity to invite students to take ownership of this great space and help us grow and adapt to the new dynamics demanded by society. Oh, and of course, stay tuned for the launch of the new brand for this beloved space for Unicauca students: we continue to evolve for our listeners.

Unicauca Estéreo, the Sound Universe of Cultures!