
CECAV of Unicauca will carry out third virtual drill to prepare for the Saber 11 Tests

La Universidad -

Students from 10-11 grade schools, high school graduates and the general public who wish to register may do so until August 30. The virtual drill will take place on September 6.


The Center for Continuing, Open and Virtual Education CECAV of the University of Cauca will carry out the third virtual drill to prepare for the Saber 11 Tests. The activity will take place on Sunday, September 6, at 7:30 a.m. at 12:00 m. and from 1:00 to 5:30 p.m.


The third on-line simulation of the state exam, which is a basic and necessary instrument for admission to higher education, will be carried out on the Training Interactive evaluation platform, which has a qualification model and delivery of quick and accounting results.


Students from 10-11 grade schools, high school graduates and the general public who wish to register may do so until August 30.


Enrollment link:


The payment receipt that will be sent to the registered email can be canceled at Banco de Bogotá, Banco Popular, Banco de Occidente, Puntos de collection Juguemos or online.


More information


Faculty of Accounting, Economic and Administrative Sciences

Office 105 Sector Tulcán

WhatsApp: 3117472790