
Cauca’s governor’s office supports Tuition 0 led by Unicauca students

La Universidad -

This important initiative that will benefit about 80 percent of students from the University of Cauca from different regions of the country was agreed with the presence of the Minister of National Education. This aid is in addition to the resources that the National Government gave to public universities to pay tuition.


 Thanks to the Government of Cauca for such an important initiative that responds to the proposal for Enrollment 0 led by the students of the University of Cauca, by providing relief to continue their higher studies in the midst of this Pandemic, which was welcomed by the Directorate University, said the rector of the University of Cauca after the announcement of the Governor of Cauca, Elías Larrahondo Carabalí.


This initiative was consolidated at a meeting held with the presence of the Minister of National Education, María Victoria Angulo González, the rectors of the University of Cauca, José Luis Diago Franco and the “Colegio” Mayor of Cauca University Institution, Héctor Sánchez, convened by the Governor of Cauca.


"In the set of actions in the framework of the Pandemic, we continue to advance and give guarantees to our community. Today enrollment 0 for students of stratum 1 and 2 of the University of Cauca and the “Colegio” Mayor del Cauca University Institution,”said Governor of Cauca, Elías Larrahondo Carabalí.


For his part, the rector of the Universidad del Cauca, José Luis Diago Franco, indicated that the institution currently has more than 16,000 students studying in undergraduate programs, of which 13,038 belong to socioeconomic strata 0, 1 and 2, so that the enrollment subsidy becomes a relief for them and their families,” said the rector of the Alma Mater in Cauca, José Luis Diago Franco.


This support granted by the Government of Cauca, also has the assigned resources of the Solidarity Fund for Education of the Ministry of National Education aimed at mitigating the desertion in the educational sector caused by the Coronavirus COVID-19, within the framework of the State of Economic, Social and Ecological Emergency, for $ 2,661,874,884 assigned to the University of Cauca, as well as resources from programs such as Generation E, Icetex, Ser Pilo Paga, which total $ 3,439,000,000.


In this context, the University Directorate will support with $ 500,000,000 to cover the total resources required for enrollment 0 of students belonging to levels 0, 1 and 2 of the different regions of the country.


"It was partially possible to respond to the request led by the students, not all of them were met, but we will continue to manage to obtain the required resources," said the president.


Similarly, the resources announced by the Mayor of Popayán, Juan Carlos López Castrillón, who indicated that he will help 1,000 students from strata 1 and 2 of the city to continue their studies at the University of Cauca, are expected.


In the coming days, the process will be carried out to coordinate the disbursement of these resources corresponding to the development of 2020-1, a period that will begin on July 23 according to the Agreement of the Academic Council.



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