A call for unicaucanos to be formed in solidarity economy and projects is still open
In the Auditorium of the Faculty of Accounting, Economic and Administrative Sciences of the University of Cauca, this Thursday issues related to solidarity economy and projects, addressed to students of the program Ser Pilo Paga.
The activity was carried out as part of the call that the students of the Alma Mater participate in a course in a related subject, with the objective of integrating it in the developing their activities in any of the disciplines in which are forming.
"The idea is that we can be contextualized of what solidarity economy means and we can translate it into plans and projects we are developing, not only in a personal way today but also visualizing that project of life in the future," said Professor Fabián Enrique Salazar, coordinator of the Semillero Social Economy and Culture of Peace of Unicauca.
As for the methodology of the mentioned course, said that consists of four face-to-face meetings, which include very short modules. The first addresses the concept of social cartography, territory; Following with an exercise of characterization; Then, solidarity formation economy with its principles, foundations and practices; To finalize, a module dedicated exclusively on to how to apply the previous foundations in project formulation.
Professor Salazar also indicated that the inscriptions to be part of this initiative were extended until August 31st.
Those who wish to participate must send a message expressing their interest to: You can also expand the information about it by looking on the social network Facebook 'Social Economy and Culture of Peace'.
The start of activities is planned in the first week of September. The maximum capacity of the course is 50 people and at the moment there are 30 enrolled, so there are still possibilities to link to the activity.
More information
Faculty of Accounting, Economics and Administration
Phone: 8209900 - Ext. 3101-3104