
Call for applications for social interaction projects is opened

La Universidad -

The Office of the Vice President for Research and the Office of the Vice President for Culture and Welfare invite the university community to create a list of eligible projects aimed at strengthening social interaction at the University of Cauca.


Between July 9 and August 6, 2020, members of the university community will be able to participate in the call for support for social interaction projects that promote alternative solutions pertinent to the region's social challenges, helping to improve quality of life of the communities involved.


The objective of this call is to promote activities that are framed in the strengthening of social interaction through the articulation of the missionary functions of Research and Academic Training from research projects, social interaction and culture and well-being.


Likewise, it seeks to contribute effectively to local, national and global response efforts through knowledge and the application of measures in the face of crisis and disasters that promote the implementation of actions for the improvement of living conditions; promote the presentation of projects that foster spaces and processes of interaction with society, aimed at facilitating dialogue and the circulation of knowledge that promote peace and reconciliation; and strengthen initiatives based on Information and Communication Technologies - ICT.


Proposals must be framed, at least, in one of the following proposed strategic lines:


Line 1: Health and Well-being


Line 2: Sustainability and environment


Line 3: Social Innovation and Education


Line 4: Sustainable Use of Biodiversity, Economic Development and Competitiveness


Line 5: Society


Line 6: Artistic and literary expressions


Line 7: Science Education



It should be noted that the projects must present at least a total of (2) Products of Social Appropriation of knowledge and one (1) Product of Generation of New Knowledge, Technological Development and Innovation or Training of Human Talent, according to the categories and typologies stipulated by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.


Likewise, it is reported that eight (8) projects will be financed, with a budget allocation of $ 10,000,000 (Ten million pesos current currency), each. The execution of the project cannot be more than twelve (12) months, time that will be counted from the signature of the initial act. This period does not include the construction and delivery stage of the final report or the public presentation of the results of social interaction, there will be a maximum period of 30 calendar days from the date of completion of the project execution stage.


The terms, requirements, budget, evaluation criteria, intellectual property, clarifications, among other issues, will be sent in documents to each of the institutional emails.



More Info:


Vice-Rectory for Investigations
