
Agroindustrial Engineering renews High Quality Accreditation

La Universidad -

For a period of 6 years, the Agroindustrial Engineering program of the University of Cauca obtained the renewal of the High Quality Accreditation by the Ministry of National Education, an entity that highlighted aspects such as research groups, patents, the indexed magazine, academic mobility, among others.


It has been shown that the Agroindustrial Engineering program of the University of Cauca has achieved sufficient levels of quality so that, in accordance with the rules that govern the matter, this fact is publicly recognized through a formal act.


In this way, the Ministry of National Education through Resolution 12300 of 2020, manifests the granting of the renewal of High Quality Accreditation to the Agroindustrial Engineering program for a period of 6 years, a program attached to the Faculty of Agrarian Sciences of the University of the Cauca.


"We are grateful for this recognition of the academic quality of the Agroindustrial Engineering program, it is the result of a collective effort of professors, students, managers that seeks to consolidate a process of strengthening research, infrastructure and social projection", said the professor Jesús Bravo, Head of the Agroindustry Department.


He added that the program has a social commitment and a mission to continue contributing positively to society, especially to the agro-industrial sector in southwestern Colombia.


The resolution of the Ministry of National Education highlights several positive aspects that led to this public recognition of the Agroindustrial Engineering program, including the following:


- The four outreach activities deployed by the panorama, such as university social volunteering, agro-ecological magazine radio program, and practices directed at public and private companies and the Biotechnology magazine in the agricultural and agro-industrial sector directed at the scientific community.


- The nine visiting professors during the observation period, 7 of them from France, Mexico, Italy and Brazil.


- The student dropout rate located at 12.61% below the national average.


- The research groups Science and Technology of Biomolecules of Agroindustrial Interest (CYTBIA) category A in the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation, use of by-products, residues and agro-industrial waste, Category B and the group Design, Processes and Energy, recognized .


- The scientific productivity of the groups that support the program of 3.23 products per teacher per year. 6 patents are included, 4 of them obtained during the observation period.


- Research projects developed during the period with resources from royalties and Colciencias.


- The performance of the Saber Pro 2018 test in the written communication competence with values ​​above the national average and in the critical reading, quantitative reasoning and citizenship competencies located within the national average. Likewise, in the 3 specific competencies evaluated they obtained results within the national average.


- The follow-up strategies for graduates and the registration of their participation in institution events. Likewise, its impact on business creation and participation in existing ones.


Likewise, aspects of teacher mobility, satisfaction of the productive sector, physical and bibliographic resources, audiovisual media, research and computer laboratories, attendance at events and internships, the inclusion of students from indigenous Afro-descendants and displaced people from strata 1 and 2, were rated as positive.


It should be noted that with this recognition by the Ministry of National Education, the University of Cauca currently has 21 programs that have High Quality Accreditation, of which one of them is Postgraduate.