
Academic Vice-Chancellor of Unicauca promotes student consultation for work in the first semester of 2020

La Universidad -


The consultation is the joint result of the different university classes where criteria and tools are proposed for the development of the first semester of 2020 in undergraduate studies.


The Academic Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cauca, Luis Guillermo Jaramillo Echeverry, explained in the informative Unicauca Al Día Noticias the progress of the Triestamentary Table, especially related to the academic calendars 2020 and the consultation to support the planning of academic work.


Regarding the agreements at the Tripartite Table, he stated that this is a process that lasted three weeks in advance by workers, teachers, students and senior management. "These four groups were meeting regularly for fifteen days, almost three weeks, which allowed us to reach consensus at this table of agreements."


He added that "In general, all the points of a document of approximately 17 pages were complied with, pending meetings with the Inter-institutional Table that is already committing other estates outside of our Alma Mater, such as the Interior, the Mayor's Office and that the Rector has been very aware of that process ”.


The University Director sent a hopeful message to the students in the sense that the University has been developing academic actions in favor of the students since March. "First with the opening of an inter-semester period or transitional period that lasted two months and included the months of May and June, now comes the 2020 semester 1 with many students who were able to advance subjects or recover."


Regarding the consultation that began on Monday, August 3 and ends on Wednesday, August 5, he explained that he seeks to know the student demand. "We make an invitation to fill out this consultation form because it is a request that arose in the Tripartite Table and made it possible to collect the demands of the students in the first semester of 2020."


He added that by Thursday, August 6, it is planned to have the consolidated information and send it to the general community as soon as possible to turn these demands into reality. "This consultation is not binding for enrollment; students must make their official enrollment in mid-August, which will allow us to know all the courses and quotas requested."


"Also tell the students that despite the conditions we have faced as a result of this health emergency, we continue to respond to these times, we continue to think that education is the main driving force not only of the human condition but of freedom and to be able to express ourselves in the middle of the difference”, emphasized Professor Luis Guillermo Jaramillo Echeverry.


In this way, he recalled that we live a normality in the midst of the abnormality experienced. “I am a strong believer that this is possible, that is to say that despite the difficulties we are facing, the University has continued to respond to the process as such and in this situation of abnormality it is still going ahead, it is still projecting its calendar, its Although we begin virtually, we will be very vigilant of the behavior of the pandemic to respond with those courses that require a certain presence. It is an effort that we have been making and that we will not stop since our task is to take responsibility for our students, "concluded the Academic Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cauca.


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Academic Vice-Rectory
