
Cassava Reproduction and Transformation Workshop

La Universidad -

Thursday, May 25 / 2023

Cassava Reproduction and Transformation Workshop

Place: 4359 (Faculty of Agricultural Sciences)

Time: 8:00 A.M.

The University of Cauca, through the project "Consolidation of knowledge transfer processes and technologies for the production of biodegradable materials developed in the Department of Cauca" (BIO Transfer), financed by the Fund for Science, Technology and Innovation FCTeI of the System General de Regalías SGR, invites this May 25, 2023 to a workshop on reproduction and transformation of cassava.

 The day that begins at 8:00 in the morning at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, has the participation of cassava producers and processors from the municipalities of Buenos Aires, Caldono, Santander de Quilichao, Morales, Toribío, El Tambo, Rosas , La Sierra and Patía.

 Sign up through our social network and WhatsApp until May 19:

 Facebook: Bio Transfer.

WhatsApp: 3104987563 - 3154747509

 Event addressed to: Everyone

Costs: Free for cassava producers

Organized by: Bio Transfer research project